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Welcome To My Personal Projects!

This is a chronological list of personal (and academic) projects I am quite fond of! These cover all aspects I specialize in as well as have a general interest in. Feel free to click on the names of each projects to learn more!


This is a solo project developed in the spring of 2023 that tells the story of a Soviet Bunker commander in an alternate 1980s. This was meant to show off my character writing as well as storytelling. While I do not think it is perfect, I enjoy the events I have created.

This is a solo, Aliens inspired TTRPG campaign module I made about a group of backwater, middle of nowhere marines being stuck on the other side of the metaphorical Iron Curtain during an outbreak of Xenomorphs. I meant for this to be an homage to the original first two movies, to encapsulate that feeling.


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Project Name

This is your Project description. Provide a brief summary to help visitors understand the context and background of your work. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start.

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